VBC Staff

Austin Ragan


Pastor Austin began his role as lead pastor at Vinton Baptist Church in November of 2023. Austin grew up at Vinton Baptist and looking back, he can see that God had began a work of salvation early on in His life. Though he knew very little of what the riches of the gospel meant to him then, he continually grew in his love for the Lord, His Word, and His church. Today Austin lives with a confidence that, by His grace, the Lord will bring that work of salvation to completion (Phil. 1:6).

Austin attended and served faithfully at VBC from birth until he went away to college; he even served as a ministry intern for a few summers while he was in school. He went to Cedarville University, obtaining both an undergraduate degree in Biblical Studies and a Master of Divinity graduate degree. While at Cedarville, Austin met his wife, Mya (who graduated with a degree in Psychology). The two of them married in 2021. After graduating from Cedarville in May of 2022, he served on staff as an associate pastor at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Springfield, Ohio until coming to VBC.

Austin and Mya have one daughter who is a gift of God's grace and sanctification. Austin enjoys spending time together with his family, playing card games, hanging out with his dog, eating good food, and playing disc golf.

Austin loves the Word of God and is devoted to doing his best to preach it faithfully. He loves the local church and he desires to strive to be a faithful, small tool that God might use to build healthy churches.

Jamie Payne


Jamie came to know Jesus Christ as her savior early in her childhood. She truly believes that God has orchestrated her life journey. She has worked with local organizations that have enabled her to see the clear need for true healing and restoration, which comes only through Jesus Christ, in the lives of those in our community.

She is passionate about equipping families to do discipleship in their homes. She recognizes that the Church of tomorrow begins with what we are doing at home today! Discipleship happens as we live our daily lives, training those around us moment by moment. It does not just happen in an hour on Sunday morning or Wednesday night.  

It is also her desire to equip leaders to equip leaders! She is enthusiastic about training Kid’s Ministry Leaders so that they can effectively do the work of equipping the children in our ministry to become the next generation of Disciple makers.  

Jamie has attended Vinton Baptist Church since 2005.

She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from The Ohio State University. In addition to ministry, she also works alongside her husband, Scott, on their family farm and homeschools their children, Ella and Corbin.