Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19

The Missions Board is teaming up with Heaven's Ministries
Vinton Baptist Church will be partnering with Heaven's Ministries to help the Homeless in the Columbus area. A group will be taking a journey to Columbus on Saturday, March 21, 2020 and we will be sharing God's word along with items that are needed by the homeless.
Below is a list of items needed that are very helpful to the Homeless this time of year:. We are working on filling our 50 buckets to see who wins the challenge -- the men or women!! Items need to be in by March 14 so the buckets can be assembled.
Bottled Water or Juice Boxes
Umbrella or Poncho
Hand & Foot Warmers
Flashlights & Batteries
Tuna & Cracker kits or other small food kits
Granola bar or cereal bar
Crackers with Peanut Butter or cheese
Gift Certificate for Fast food ($5 McDonalds is best)
Small pack of Hand Wipes or hand sanitizer
Small bottles of soap, shampoo or dry shampoo
Small Pack of Tissues
Toothbrush & Toothpaste
Band aids
Chap Stick
Lotion Comb or Small brush
Mints, Cough drops or gum
Note of Encouragement
1 Pound Propane Cylinders - this is a high demand item this time of year
New or Gently used blankets, sweatpants, sweatshirts & Hoodies, coats, jeans
The buckets that we fill will help those in our area and also in the Columbus area.
Thank you for helping us take Vinton Baptist Church out into the Mission Field beyond our doors as we are called to do!! There are many parts of this project to help with. Above is a link on how to make mats for the homeless out of recycled grocery bags! These mats are waterproof and make a great barrier between them and the ground. The greatest thins is that they are free to make!! All are welcome to join in making these and bringing them to the church for distribution.
A group will be taking a meal to those in need in Gallipolis on Sunday, March 22. that will be served at Poppys. We will also be working on a schedule with the Small Community Groups to take meals to take to Poppys around the middle of each month that can be frozen and warmed up for anyone who comes in that is in need of a warm meal. There are also some other projects in the pipeline that we will be announcing soon.
Your support and most of all your prayers all appreciated.
Any questions contact Mindy Brabham at 740-605-3848 or at mindyjob@gmail.com
Proverbs 19:17 -- Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed
Vinton Baptist Church will be partnering with Heaven's Ministries to help the Homeless in the Columbus area. A group will be taking a journey to Columbus on Saturday, March 21, 2020 and we will be sharing God's word along with items that are needed by the homeless.
Below is a list of items needed that are very helpful to the Homeless this time of year:. We are working on filling our 50 buckets to see who wins the challenge -- the men or women!! Items need to be in by March 14 so the buckets can be assembled.
Bottled Water or Juice Boxes
Umbrella or Poncho
Hand & Foot Warmers
Flashlights & Batteries
Tuna & Cracker kits or other small food kits
Granola bar or cereal bar
Crackers with Peanut Butter or cheese
Gift Certificate for Fast food ($5 McDonalds is best)
Small pack of Hand Wipes or hand sanitizer
Small bottles of soap, shampoo or dry shampoo
Small Pack of Tissues
Toothbrush & Toothpaste
Band aids
Chap Stick
Lotion Comb or Small brush
Mints, Cough drops or gum
Note of Encouragement
1 Pound Propane Cylinders - this is a high demand item this time of year
New or Gently used blankets, sweatpants, sweatshirts & Hoodies, coats, jeans
The buckets that we fill will help those in our area and also in the Columbus area.
Thank you for helping us take Vinton Baptist Church out into the Mission Field beyond our doors as we are called to do!! There are many parts of this project to help with. Above is a link on how to make mats for the homeless out of recycled grocery bags! These mats are waterproof and make a great barrier between them and the ground. The greatest thins is that they are free to make!! All are welcome to join in making these and bringing them to the church for distribution.
A group will be taking a meal to those in need in Gallipolis on Sunday, March 22. that will be served at Poppys. We will also be working on a schedule with the Small Community Groups to take meals to take to Poppys around the middle of each month that can be frozen and warmed up for anyone who comes in that is in need of a warm meal. There are also some other projects in the pipeline that we will be announcing soon.
Your support and most of all your prayers all appreciated.
Any questions contact Mindy Brabham at 740-605-3848 or at mindyjob@gmail.com
Proverbs 19:17 -- Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed